A collaboration between Urban Strategies’ Caminando Juntos program and Fuller Theological Seminary’s Centro Latino

For those pastors who has completed Caminando Juntos cohort, this companion certification will expand the competencies of Latino pastors to accompany others in holistic pastoral well-being and thus activate more companions toward holistically healthy Latino pastoral ministry.
This certificate contains 10 modules with topics towards accompaniment dimension such as: Integral Dimension of Accompaniment, Psychological Safety, Active Listening, Guiding Questions, and Group Accompaniment. As for the pastoral holistic well-being dimension, topics such as: Daily Well-being, Authenticity, Resilience, Flourishing in Ministry, and Horizontality in the Church will be addressed.
This certificate is completely online. Students access the content and learning activities through the Fuller Equip platform, and review material each week. In addition, each module (month) includes a Zoom session with participants.
This program runs from February to November.
Initially, this program will be offered in Spanish only, with the goal of also offering it in English in the coming years.
This program has a cost of $600 for general public and $300 for Caminando Juntos cohort participants.

Applications open in November